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19 May, 2006


12 And I saw the sun rise and burn and not diminish, and lay waste the earth in burning hellfire, and all was rendered dust and sand; and even at night there was no respite;

13 And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having one head and seven horns, and upon his hands and feet white raiments, and upon his horns the name of surprises.

14 His head and his horns were yellow like boiling sulphur, as bright as the sun; and his eyes were as coals of darkness;

15 And when I saw him, I fell at his feet as dead. And he laid his right hand upon me, saying unto me, Fear not; for there are many shopping promotions to come.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

awesome! :D

19 May, 2006 13:32  
Blogger Unknown said...

I think we should seriously run it over. Do as much "damage" to that thing.

The DSS people were pretty uncreative with it and its name.

It's seriosly about time that we make it a point that there should be a new mascot.

19 May, 2006 13:42  
Blogger John B. Chilton said...

As this is a takeoff, note that it's a takeoff on the Book of Revelation, no "s".

19 May, 2006 15:43  
Blogger archer14 said...

Taking a cue from 'minkey chief', a cheesy piece of art

19 May, 2006 20:27  

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