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11 June, 2010

RAK a rogue state?

Rocky Ras Al Khaimah has always been the most fascinating of the seven emirates, and now it's being branded a rogue state:

RAK is a strategically important part of the UAE, 50 miles from Iran across the Strait of Hormuz, through which 17 million barrels of oil are shipped each day. Sheikh Khalid, 66, was ousted by his father and brother as de facto leader in 2003.

The campaign alleges the regime presents an international security threat because the kingdom has become "a rogue state and gateway for Iran", allowing the shipment of weapons, including nuclear weapons parts, drugs and blood diamonds as well as military personnel and terrorists from al-Qaida and other networks.

How incredibly exciting.


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Blogger Rupert Neil Bumfrey said...

Absolutely ridiculous!

(Good to access comment section. ;-))

11 June, 2010 09:34  
Blogger Macthomson said...

To think, I almost set up shop in their media free zone!

Wonder when the Rak 'n' Roll will start?

11 June, 2010 11:10  
Anonymous Laocowboy2 said...

From Sunday's Guardian - pure Walter Mitty stuff.

11 June, 2010 13:00  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

as the same time as the British PM is on brief visit to Abu Dhabi.

surely this is madness...don't call me surely

12 June, 2010 01:43  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm starting to doubt your Emirati, not very patriotic are you? You post all this shit about your country but fail to write about say for example the tapes of the Israeli spies.
But then again I have never been a fan of the U.A.E. I've always thought there's something wrong with Dubai. Regardless, your posts shocked me, especially this one. There isn't anything Islamic about al-Qaeda and there never will be.
Il 7amdallah o shker f9altaw bl emarate.

14 June, 2010 02:03  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

anon above, what the hell do you smoke brother? pass me also some of the same.

14 June, 2010 16:16  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Me too, I want it too!

14 June, 2010 19:08  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was just thinking, maybe I'm a bit slow, but all those people who bought stuff on credit and then ran off, who's actually responsible for paying their debts? the dubai banks?

so that means dubai was giving them money to shop and luxuriate themselves and then they just flew off (literally)! combined with the property sales crash and rental crash, triple blow in the nuts.

19 June, 2010 00:40  
Anonymous Oscar said...

Anonymous reads like a Dubai-themed spam bot.

Always good to see a UAE story in the international press that isn't about the Dark Side Of Dubai!

22 June, 2010 20:05  
Anonymous unJane said...

I would love to read your take on what's happening with blogger Al Jassim in Kuwait.

30 June, 2010 16:32  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

RAK is a Muslim rules applied state of AE. Like Saudi. BUT its hard to believe you brother, bcoz didn't read any International media report on it. IS there anyone to says about Hamos Leader murders in Dubai? I am sure that would an ideal topic to shares with.

07 July, 2010 02:44  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Google: lombard vs. emaar

American sues Emaar the way it should have been done along time ago!!!!

10 July, 2010 11:29  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

18 July 2010

Destitute in Dubai: One man's story
By Philip Hampsheir Middle East Business Report, Dubai

It was six o'clock in the morning when I met Nicholas Warner down by the Dubai Creek and already the temperature was 35C. We both knew that in a few hours it would climb to nearer 50C.

He eagerly showed me to a bench shaded by a palm tree that faced the waterfront so we could talk without getting burnt.

"Is this where you're sleeping at the moment?" I asked.
Nicholas Warner sat under tree (photo courtesy of Martin von den Driesch) Nicholas has spent many nights sleeping in this park, located along the Dubai Creek

"Oh no," he replied. "It's not like England. You can't lie down on a bench and just sleep. You have to prop yourself upright and nod off or you'll attract unwanted attention or get moved on. I sleep on the ground behind that hedge, when I'm here."......................

19 July, 2010 14:32  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

More about Lombard v. Emaar in the New Orleans Times:

27 July, 2010 12:56  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is there anyway to stop getting a call from stranger around 1am or 2am almost everyday? I don't like to get up because of a crazy Arab man making the same wrong call.

Here is his phone number. I'm just looking someone to stop him calling a complete stranger after midnight. The guy uses both two numbers and kept calling me even around 3am.

+20 0121444869
+20 0193114952

01 August, 2010 03:59  
Anonymous Martha said...

You could almost set a thriller in RAK!

01 August, 2010 17:20  
Anonymous blue_mirror said...

do women have in RAK have good racks

Reflects the truth, in all visible wavelenghts

15 October, 2010 01:42  
Anonymous spsyed said...

Is it time to investigate rogue men behind ExoticCarsDubai, the ExoticGroup and the SpiceLounge in Dubia hideouts? See and read the ending credits as well as the video description...

14 December, 2010 01:04  

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